Possibly. Let me try again with what I'm trying to achieve.
Given this excerpt from a decision table:
Basically I want to be able to specify a template that says 'If Arg0 is a currency,
output RiskType IRDELTA (and currency), if Arg0 is a commodity (begins with 'X')
then output RiskType COMLEASEDELTA (and commodity).
When fed with data, this would generate the rules:
when Arg0 = USD, output RiskType IRDELTA, USD
when Arg0 = GBP, output RiskType IRDELTA, GBP
when Arg0 = XAU, output RiskType COMLEASEDELTA, XAU
In this way theRiskType name is inferred from the data when the rules are generated. It
can be done by explicitly stating all possible combinations as in the decision table above
but that gets tedious quickly. I wanted to have a more general template that could
generate all the specific rules instances.
Does that make more sense?
From: Wolfgang Laun-2 [via Drools]
Sent: 01 June 2011 11:21
To: Mullard, Christopher
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Smart Templates
I don't want to confuse you, but have you considered not using templates at all? If
you can generate N rules from N objects containing different literals for matching a fact
or for updating a fact field, then you can achieve the same thing with a single rule and
additional facts containing those literal values.
rule "one 4 all"
  Service( $name: name, $value: value )
  $sb: ServiceBean( name == $name, value == $value )
  # RiskType ... is what?
  ...$value..., ...$sb.getType()...
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