Yes, exactly:DroolsCompilerAntTask generates a serialized RuleBase.
So, i can't generate the same pkg file with drools-ant and with BRMS
so is there a way to generate a .pkg file without BRMS ?
LNguyen wrote:
I think the DroolsCompilerAntTask generates a serialized RuleBase, not a
Arnaud Bouzinac wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using BRMS to generate a .pkg for an application
> i need to generate the same file without BRMS:
> i'm trying to use a drools-ant task, but, pkg file generated with
> drools-ant
> task is not the same !!!
> i don't found a specific documentation to do that ?
> Somebody can help me please ?
> thanks for your help
> <project default="rules">
> <property name="eclipsepath" value=""/>
> <path id="qirules.classpath">
> <pathelement location="${eclipsepath}../install/*"/>
> </path>
> <path id="drools.classpath">
> <fileset dir="${eclipsepath}../">
> <include name="**/*.jar"/>
> </fileset>
> <pathelement location="target"/>
> </path>
> <taskdef name="rulebase" classname="
> org.drools.contrib.DroolsCompilerAntTask"
> />
> <target name="rules" >
> <rulebase
> srcdir="${eclipsepath}../rules/"
> tofile="${eclipsepath}../rules/FLIResultsUpdateRules.pkg"
> classpathref="qirules.classpath" >
> <include name="*.drl" />
> </rulebase>
> </target>
> </project>
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