if you look at the documentation it shows that you can only have a
single Fact Pattern inside of a not node, nested Conditional Elements is
not support in the 3.0.x branch. This is however supported in trunk.
bret wrote:
We are having issues with Drools where we have rules with brackets in the
"when" part of the rule.
For example...
rule "brackets"
not ((DoubleFact(name == "a_fact", value > 60) or
StringFact(name == "another_fact", value !=
and DoubleFact(name == "yet_another", value < 10))
assert(new PolicyViolation("Badness", "Blah"));
(The NOT line originally does not have line breaks, all of the when clause
is on one line)
This will cause a parse error and it complains about the bracket after the
NOT and at the end of the line.
Why can't drools deal with this??