Here's what I'm coming up with on my own.
I have a dozen PoJo's for my server record structure, and I am subclassing
them all off of an abstract class that has:
/ private HashSet<String> modified = new HashSet<String>();
private boolean allFields = false;
public boolean fieldWasModified(String name) {
boolean result;
result = allFields || modified.contains(name);
return result;
protected void markModified(String name) {
String fieldName = name;
if (name.startsWith("this.")) {
fieldName = name.substring(5);
public void markAllModified() {
allFields = true;
I have modified the 'setter' template in the PoJo project to generate calls
to markModified:
/${field} = ${param};
My rules now test if a field is modified:
/rule "XmAddress city RegExp"
$a : XmAddress(fieldWasModified("city")
&& city not matches "^[A-Za-z ]{1,25}$")
$a.addError(drools.getRule().getName(), "Invalid city");
The Web client will use Ajax to create a new object and set record
attributes, as appropriate, and then call the rules.
At the end when I submit the entire record for testing on the server, I
first call markAllModified.
I understand that this will not handle cross-field rules (unless I include
both fields in the Ajax call), but it seems like it will handle most of my
standard data entry edits in a consistent manner across the UI and the
Please provide feedback ... remember I'm a newbie so please make your
criticism constructive.
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