by fero
I'm interested in using Drools Flow. I use jBPM as workflow and also Drools
4.x as rule engine but joint of both in Drools 5.x seems amazing. JBPM also
does not support events (signal event and conditional event), which in
Drools are supported and are crucial for me. So I would say many of features
of Drools Flow are missing in jBPM but jBPM is very extensible. If Drools
Flow is as extensible I would rather use that. CEP looks interesting as
1. Exception flow* is also crucial for me. Is it possible to extend Flow to
support it?
2. How to extend Activities. Now it is possible to put the code of activity
in the process definition in MVEL or java. I would prefer to select the
class and provide attributes of a class from process definition as it is in
jBPM (called delagation). Is it possible to create new work items which just
would be configurable from process as log and mail work items are?
3. Is Flow based on its own PVM or jBPM PVM? Is it also possible to extend
flow with new flow constructs?
4. From Human task is possible only one outgoing transitions. We quite often
use multiple outgoing transitions and user choose which one to take. Can it
be done directly?
Thank you
*Exception Flow is a set of Sequence Flow that originates from an
Intermediate Event that is attached to the boundary of an activity. The
Process will not traverse this flow unless an Event occurs during the
performance of that activity (through an Intermediate Event).
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Flow-tp25567961p25567961.html
Sent from the drools - user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
15 years, 4 months
Sharing resources in Guvnor
by Ian Roche
Apologies if this topic has been discussed before but I had a search through the archive and didn't find anything.
First, I will explain my planned usage.
We have a set of rules that are growing over time. Rules can be shared across applications.
Ideally I would like to search through my set of rules and assemble them in to a package that would be shipped with a tool.
I don't really want to restrict an application to take all the rules in a package if they only need a subset.
I took a good look at Guvnor with the 5.0 release in May and it seemed to fit the bill.
That was until I noticed that the smallest unit seems to be a package and sharing between packages is not possible.
For my planned usage it seems that a package is too large and what I would need is a solution where a rule is the smallest unit.
I saw that resource sharing was planned in Guvnor for a Sept 09 release. Is that still on track? Would it allow sharing down to the level of rules?
Assuming I have to support this usage what would people recommend?
1) Wait for sharing support in Guvnor
2) Extend guvnor to handle my use case
3) Build a custom BRMS solution and not use Guvnor as this is an unusual case
15 years, 4 months
Authoring Rules in non-JVM Client Apps
by Ken Archer
The http/xml/json interface provided by drools-server for remote execution of rules from non-JVM apps is wonderful. Is there a similar interface for importing rules authored in non-JVM client apps as xml or drl files? I have not been able to find one. Thanks in advance.
Ken Archer
Telogical Systems
15 years, 4 months
Event Wait Nodo in a ruleflow
by Kevin Alonso
I´m working with a simple flow that has a Event Wait node. This node
has the following condition:
- Person()
Being Person a class that is not inserted into the session yet.
When the flow arrives to the event wait node its execution stops and the
test main class execution continues. Here I insert a Person object to
the session, so now, the flow can continue. After wait node I have a
Split node, which has the followings constraints:
- Person()
- not Person()
The flow always take the not Person() way. But now a Person instance is
into the session.
Why is happening this?
Could anyone help me?
Thank you,
15 years, 4 months
User interaction while ruleflow is running
by Olaf Raether
i have a simple ruleflow with some split and ruleflowgroup components.
Now i want some user interaction while the ruleflow is runing.
For example : a ruleflowgroup is executed, than check a global or what ever
fire an event, so i can interact with the user. After the answer modify
a global or the working memory and continue within the ruleflow.
How could i do this very simple. I have a standalone app with drools 5
No Jboss server running.
Thanks for hints.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/User-interaction-while-ruleflow-is-running-tp255307...
Sent from the drools - user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
15 years, 4 months
compiled package too big
by Ševčík Martin
I'm using drools 4.0.7. I have excel with about 4000 rows. After compiling it, the final Package is about 30 MB. And that's only one sheet, I have 3 of them. Total size is about 60MB. It's too big to hold it in memory, but too slow to read it from a file or database every time. Is there any chance to make the package smaller. It's always the same rule, just different values of attributes (that's why we use excel) and I think, after compilation there are many information redundant in the package (they are repeating over and over for every row / rule.
Do you have any solution how to solve this. It's a tariffication algorithm, and the response must be quick. Executing is not a problem, just how to store this big package.
Thank you
15 years, 4 months
Re: [rules-users] loading rules dynamically
by abarnaramachandran@gmail.com
Can you please give me an example to explain this? How to serialize
the rulebase and store it in database? The how do you load the rules
in memory?
thanks a lot in advance
I think the better approach if possible is to serialize your rule base
and storing it in the database as such. Storing the DRL and
recompiling your rules at run time will be quite expensive. We have a
similar setup and it has worked out pretty well for us.
If the rules,conditions,consequences have to be loaded from the
database. I can think of following two approach. what would be right
approach( I will have upto 1200 rules in the db)
1. Programmatically inject the rules into rule engine using drools API.
2. Read the rules from the database and create drl or dsl file for
them and inject into rule engine.
15 years, 4 months
RuleML-2009 Call for Participation -Earlybird Deadline Sept. 25th
by Adrian Paschke
Want to learn more about rule technologies, applications and standards?
Want to discuss latest research results and developments?
Want to get in touch with the industry and research experts in rule-based
systems and technologies?
Don't miss RuleML-2009 - early bird registration deadline ends on September
RuleML 2009
3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability
November 5-7 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
co-located with the 12th Business Rules Forum
We cordially invite you to participate in the 3rd International Symposium on
Rules, Applications and Interoperability (RuleML-2009) - the premier event
addressing research, applications and standards for rule technologies and
rule-based event processing technologies. It takes place in Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA, Nov. 5-7, collocated with the 12th Business Rules Forum, the
world's largest Business Rules event.
RuleML-2009 has evolved from an annual series of international workshops
since 2002, international conferences in 2005 and 2006, and international
RuleML Symposia since 2007, to the premier event on rule-based systems
addressing industry developments, standards and academic research at the
same time. RuleML-2009 is in the top 100 venues for impact factor (71):
http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/stats/venues. It is supported by W3C, OMG, ACM,
EPTS, AAAI, ECCAI, IAAIL, ACM, Belgian Business Rules Forum, MIT Sloan CIO
Symposium, BPM Forum Belgium and a listed EU ICT technology conference.
We are building an excellent program with renowned experts as keynote
speakers, tutorials, standards panel sessions, Open Source Day, W3C RIF
workshop, Int. Rule Challenge with prestigious prizes, etc.
Submit to the 3rd Int. Rule Challenge at http://2009.ruleml.org/challenge
RuleML-2009 highlights and news:
* 3rd Int. Rule Challenge
"Demonstration of benchmarks/evaluations, demos, case studies / use
cases, experience reports, best practice solutions, rule-based
implementations/ tools/ applications, demonstrations engineering methods,
implementations of rule standards"
* Rule Open Source Day
"Discover how Open Source Rules solutions are being deployed in the
marketplace and how they compare to proprietary solutions"
* Lunch Panel on Standards for Business Rules
"Want to learn more about latest business rules standard in W3C, OMG, OASIS,
ISO, RuleML and how these apply in the enterprise business arena"
* W3C Rule Interchange Format Standard Workshop
* Keynotes and special talks by
Sandro Hawke (W3C) about W3C RIF
Donald Chapin (OMG) about OMG SBVR and ISO Terminology standards
Paul Vincent (TIBCO) about CEP and Rules
Jans Aasman (FranzInc. CEO)
* Tutorials by
Mark Proctor (Drools) - Drools Tutorial
Christian Saint Marie (ILog/IBM) - W3C RIF Tutorial
Larry Goldberg and Babara von Halle - Decision Management
Guido Governatori (NICTA) - Business Process Compliance
* Tracks on
Rule-based Event Processing
Rule Systems on the Web
Rule Transformation and Extraction
Process and Data
Rules and Norms
Rules and Uncertainty
* RuleML-2009 Springer LNCS proceedings published
* 3rd Rule Challenge CEUR proceedings to appear
* IEEE TKDE special issue on Rule technologies to appear Dec. 2009
* Forthcoming RuleML-2009 special journal issue
Supported by
W3C, OMG, ACM, AAAI, ECCAI, IAAIL, ACM, Belgian Business Rules Forum
MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, EPTS, BPM Forum Belgium
Sponsored by
BBN Technologies
Franz Inc
NICTA (National ICT Australia) Ltd
Corporate Semantic Web
Logic Programming Associated Ltd
JBoss RedHat
Modelsystems Ltd
(sponsoring opportunities: http://2009.ruleml.org/sponsors)
15 years, 4 months
Deploying rules to a cluster.
by Stuart Grimshaw
Hash: SHA1
I'm after a little advice on how everyone deploys their rules to
production servers.
We have a cluster of up to 8 machines and the current plan is to deploy
our app exploded, so that we can just deploy the rules without having to
redeploy the whole app.
We're using JBossAS 5.1.0, but in the past we've used 4.0.2 where we
didn't make use of the farm deployments. I notice that this
functionality has been restored in JBoss 5.1, but is undocumented on the
JBoss wiki.
Does anyone have any experience of deploying their rules to a cluster?
I'd like to hear your experiences...
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15 years, 4 months