Validation flow - defer expression evaluation
by peters
I was wondering which is the proper way to do sanity checks (not null
etc...) on a fact before starting the actual business rules.
I have created a a ruleflow with a validation node (VALRFG) and a business
rule node (BRRFG) to determine execution order.
If in the validation node a not null constraint is violated, the session is
aborted (drools.halt()).
Problem with this approach is that assertions defined in rules of the
ruleflow-group "BRRFG" are validated before the validation rules execute.
The engine throws exception at
at org.drools.reteoo.AlphaNode.assertObject(
How can I make sure that the validation rules are executed before the mvel
expressions in the business rules are being evaluated?
Thanks for feedback,
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13 years, 2 months
5.3.0.Final resource change scanner bug
by lhorton
I tried loading up 5.3.0 this weekend but have run into this bug:
my server log says:
Exception in thread "Thread-38" java.lang.IllegalStateException: reader does
have a modified date
some rules files loaded, but some failed (silently, except for the above
message). Is there a workaround for this problem? we cannot migrate to
5.3.0 unless this is fixed or there is a way to work around the problem.
thanks for any help.
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13 years, 2 months
Printing rule content when a rule is fired
Is is possible to get textual rule content from
org.drools.definition.rule.Rule? What I am looking to do is get the rule
definition (the when/then part) when a rule fires (i.e on
G. Patel
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13 years, 2 months
Regarding BPEL
by Sumeet Karawal
I required some information whether jBPM supports BPEL. I searched and
found something regarding its use in jBPM v3.x. But got nothing regarding
BPEL for versions 4.x and 5.x. Is jBPM compatible with BPEL or is there
anyway to have BPEL functionality with jBPM.
jBPM creates the process using JPDL. Is it better in someway or the other
than BPEL ? Could anybody please help me on this.
Thanks & Regards,
Sumeet Karawal
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please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and
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and any attachments. Thank you
13 years, 2 months
How to use lists in RHS when using MVEL?
by zstlaw
I want to make an array and pass it to a method in the RHS but can't when I
use mvel. If I use mvel then java new Object[3] causes compile errors. If
I use the mvel syntax the object is not an real array, only a string in
mvel's special array notation which is not useful for the functions I am
trying to call. Working example:
rule "Array bug"
dialect "java" // explicit java or mvel barfs on new Object[];
Message( )
Object[] logArgs = new Object[3];
logArgs[0] = "Sample string";
logArgs[1] = "Another string";
logArgs[2] = "And done";
System.out.println( "Array was "+$m );
If you change dialect above to mvel the code no longer compiles. If you
change it to mvel and use the mvel list syntax ["Sample string", "Another
string", "And done"] you don't have an array so methods requiring an array
do not work. Concrete example: I want to log 3 values using a logging
framework. Many logging frameworks (like sl4j) support a notation like
Logger.warn("My name is {} and you killed my {}", array); where array has
"Inigo Montonya" and "father" for values.
Thanks for any advice!
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13 years, 2 months
How to use GlobalArea enum inside package defined rules
by pravinborekar
Would like to use GlobalArea enumeration ----- 'Member.title': ['Mr.',
in my custom package rule. Am trying to access it in DSL rule (as we want
guided editor to use enum), like---- {title:ENUM:Member.title}
If I create above enum in custom package, am able to do it cleanly.
Also tried using --- {title:ENUM:GlobalArea.Member.title} , but it didnt
Need help on how to access the global area enum, as we need to use the same
across many packages.
Regards, Pravin
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13 years, 2 months
Performance: Stateful vs. Stateless Session
by tonytang
Can anybody help me to explain the performance between Stateful and Stateless
I write a very simple test code to test the performance:
Just a message,if the id is odd then set a attribute to "odd"
if it is even then set to "even".
insert message one by one, and insert 1,000,000 times.
rule "even"
message: Message()
eval((message.getId() % 2) == 0)
rule "odd"
message: Message()
eval((message.getId() % 2) == 1)
message class just id and oddOrEven
public class Message {
private int id;
private String oddOrEven;
public Message(int id){ = id;
// getter and setter
My test code:
// create statefulSession and statelessfulSession out of KnowledgeBase
StatefulKnowledgeSession statefulSession =
StatelessKnowledgeSession statelessfulSession =
int messageNumber = 1000000; // total message number
Random random = new Random(); // to generate id
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i = 0; i < messageNumber; i++){
FactHandle handle = statefulSession.insert(new Message(random.nextInt()));
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long statefulTime = end - begin;
begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i = 0; i < messageNumber; i++){
statelessfulSession.equals(new Message(random.nextInt()));
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long statelessTime = end - begin;
System.out.println("Stateful session time: " + statefulTime + " Stateless
session time: " + statelessTime);
The result: "Stateful session time: 12158 Stateless session time: 46"
oh my god...
Is there any place is wrong in my code ?
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13 years, 2 months