Please help me on hibernate-meet-drools
by Hong Ju
I would like Drools to save my POJO objects as Hibernate Entities so that I can see my POJO objects as db tables in my database.
I tried to make this work by searching on the net, but there is very limited example on this topic, my code does not have any error, but it does not save any tables in my db. I attached my project in this email, if someone can help me on this, this will be so great and make me move forward.
Thank you so much in advance,
Hong Lily Ju
Software Engineer
Steward Heath Care
[Description: cid:image001.png@01CD0DC1.C0D81BD0]
Office: 781-375-3034
Cell: 781-801-9313
11 years, 2 months
No errors thrown from KnowledgeAgent
by De Rooms Brecht
Dear Drools users,
I have been testing with the KnowledgeAgent from version 5.4 and 5.5. It
monitors a changeset and is set to incrementally build the
knowledgebase. I noticed that it sometimes crashes but never throws out
errors. This happens for example when I define a type two times and when
I remove a file. Does anyone experience similar behaviour and has an
idea of how I could see the errors? I already tried to check the errors
by building it myself using a knowledgebuilder before I update the file
that the knowledgeAgent monitors but that's quite a dirty solution.
Kind Regards,
De Rooms Brecht
11 years, 3 months
Dependency enumeration
by agarwalk
I have created following enumeration and java class file.
'OrderData.propertyState':(new com.asps.rules.OrderData()).loadStates()
*Java class:*
public class OrderData implements Serializable {
private String propertyState;
private String fulfillmentReviewerName;
// getters and setters
public List<String> loadStates() {
List<String> states = new ArrayList<String>();
return states;
public List<String> loadReviewers(final String propertyState) {
List<String> reviewers = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println("### in load reviewers ### : " + propertyState);
if ("CA".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyState)) {
System.out.println("Reviewers : A & B");
} else if ("NY".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyState)) {
System.out.println("Reviewers : C& D");
} else if ("FL".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyState)) {
System.out.println("Reviewers : E& F");
} else {
System.out.println("Reviewers : G& H");
return reviewers;
I created a rule as follows
There is an OrderData with:
propertyState[propertyState]* FL* --- This is a drop down which
is being displayed correctly
fulfillmentReviewerName [fulfillmentReviewerName] -- This should
have been the drop down. Values are dependent on the state selected.
When i try to create above rule the enumeration is loaded correctly for
propertyState but the enumeration is not loaded for fulfillmentReviewerName
field. When I saw the logs the correct method and condition is being
invoked (as per Sys out)but drop down does not contain anything.
ANy suggestions?
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11 years, 3 months
Guvnor 5.5.0.Final Web decision table's advanced enum is not working.
by Soumya.plavaga
We are trying to use the advanced enumeration with guvnor 5.5.0.Final. But
seems not working for us. We are doing this -
Having model cascadedModel. CascadedModel has following fields -
1. categoryField (Type Text)
2. departmentField. (Type Text)
Cascaded model has a fact called -
Created an enum called cascadedEnum having following -
Fact => 'cascadedFact'
Field => 'categoryField'
Context => '(new
Fact => 'cascadedFact'
Field => departmentField[categoryField]
Context => '(new
And using these two enums in a web decision table's drop down. First drop
down suppose to display all the categories returned for 'categoryField' and
second dropdown will return the departments based upon category dropdown
Here my case Category drop down is listing properly, no issues. But upon
category selection department dropdown is not loading at all. Actually I can
see '{@categoryField} in enum is not replacing the primary drop down's
selected value. Can you please take a look and let me know if there is any
issue with the advanced dropdown with web decision table in guvnor
5.5.0.Final war?
Any help will be really appriciated.
Many Thanks,
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11 years, 3 months