i am supplying an object as variable to my workflow. in a split i try to check the
property "Type" of the
supplied object and according to it move on to the next actionnode (for testing
in the actionnode i am setting a string, that i am printing out later.
my test looks as follows:
first i supply a ticket with type "reviewer"
after this i supply a ticket with type "developer"
BUT i'm getting the following output:
Output1: processing developer ticket <reviewer>
Output2: processing developer ticket <developer>
so the ticket-object is injected correctly into the workflow, but
i have no clue, why the developer constraint is taken both times
any hints?
---------workflow file used------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
type="RuleFlow" name="Task Test" id="tasktest"
package-name="workflows" routerLayout="2" >
<variable name="ticket" >
className="org.openengsb.core.taskbox.model.Ticket" />
<start id="1" name="Start" x="103" y="26"
width="49" height="49" />
<end id="2" name="End" x="107" y="393"
width="49" height="49" />
<split id="7" name="Gateway" x="103"
y="116" width="49" height="49" type="1" >
<constraint toNodeId="9" toType="DROOLS_DEFAULT"
name="reviewer" priority="2" type="rule"
dialect="java" >(ticket.getType()=="reviewer")</constraint>
<constraint toNodeId="8" toType="DROOLS_DEFAULT"
name="developer" priority="1" type="rule"
dialect="java" >(ticket.getType()=="developer")</constraint>
<actionNode id="8" name="dev" x="42"
y="205" width="80" height="48" >
<action type="expression" dialect="java"
>taskbox.setWorkflowMessage("processing developer ticket <" +
ticket.getType() + ">");</action>
<actionNode id="9" name="rev" x="150"
y="205" width="80" height="48" >
<action type="expression" dialect="java"
>taskbox.setWorkflowMessage("processing reviewer ticket <" +
ticket.getType() + ">");</action>
<join id="10" name="Gateway" x="104"
y="302" width="49" height="49" type="2" />
<connection from="10" to="2" />
<connection from="1" to="7" />
<connection from="7" to="8" />
<connection from="7" to="9" />
<connection from="8" to="10" />
<connection from="9" to="10" />