Hi Wang
I've done something similar with questions in an insurance application.
I found it easiest to split the map entries up into separate objects and
put them all into working memory:
class Answer {
String questionCode;
String answer;
AnswerSet answerSet;
// ...getters and setters omitted
class AnswerSet {
String answerSetCode;
List<Answer> answers;
The rule looks something like:
set1 : AnswerSet(code == 'answerSet1')
answer1 : Answer(questionCode == 'question1', answer == "100", answerSet
== set1)
answer2 : Answer(questionCode == 'question2', answer == '200', answerSet
== set1)
answer1.hidden = true
These are also easy to convert into a DSL. The "answerSet" in the rule
is used to make sure both answers have come from the same set of answers
(if that's important to you).
I did read somewhere in the docs that MVEL can handle maps in the same
way as beans, but I'm not sure if this is correct.
王在祥 wrote:
I have a requirement of run rules on dynamic map instead of POJO, for
Map(* TransCode == "LOGIN" , userName == "wangzx", password ==
"123456" )
Map( *TransCode = "SaveOrder" userName == "wangzx" category ==
the Fact is not a Java Bean, but a dynamic map<String, Object>, so the
TransCode == "Login" is what we means map("TransCode") ==
By using map insteam of POJO, we can build a rules run on the message
dispatch, since there is a lot of Message Types, and each message type
has different schema, so using dynamic types is more flexible than POJO.
Can someone tell me how can it be supported in drools? Very thanks.
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