On 24/02/2013, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
> when
> $sv1 : SiteVisit( yearRecorded == durationCycleYear, !annualVisit )
> FaultCode( $sv1.ID==svID, code matches "366.\\d+|743.3\\d?" )
> $inspector: Insepector (ID == $sv1.insepectortID)
> $sv2 : SitVisit( yearRecorded == durationCycleYear, !annualVisit )
> #make sure we are dealing with the same inspector
> Inspector (ID == $sv2.inspectorID, EUID == $inspector.EUID)
> ( FaultCode( $sv2.ID == svID, code matches "45.61" ) or
> ServiceCode($sv2.ID == svID, code matches
> "66(8[4-9][0-9]|9([0-3][0-9]|40))|66982|66984|66983" ) )
same here
Are you sure you want 'or' and not ||.
Mark, how would you suggest to avoid 'or' and use '||' (and I don't
mean the deprecated alternative to 'or')? You are beginning to confuse
(even) me!
The 'or' CE can result in two rules
firing, if they are not mutually exclusive logical conditions.