Tihomir Surdilovic wrote:
HonorGod wrote:
> I got the point....will you be able to attach that sample excel?
sure, attached.
> Also, I am still confused on how to use AGENDA-GROUP and
> decision tables. I understand that XOR-Group / Activation-Group are
> used so
> that only one rule in this named group will be fired. Can you please
> explain
if you want your rules in an agenda group to fire exclusively you will
need to use actvation-group as well so that the first rule that fires
will cancel the other rules activations.
> ?
From the docs
Agenda groups are a way to partition the agenda into groups and
controlling which groups can execute. All rules by default are in the
"MAIN" agenda group, by simply using the "agenda-group" attribute you
specify a different agenda group for the rule. A working memory
initially only has focus on the "MAIN" agenda group, only when other
groups are given the focus can their rules fire; this can be achieved
by either using the method setFocus() or the rule attribute
"auto-focus". "auto-focus" means that the rule automatically sets the
focus to it's agenda group when the rule is matched and activated. It
is this "auto-focus" that enables "B to C" to fire before "B to
> Thanks for your help.