I have a hashmap inserted as global variable and some objects as facts.
In drools i try to locate object from hashmap using facts. It behaves
differently and i dont know why. I will post my code and then try to
describe the behaviour
global java.util.Map encapsulationMap;
rule "test rule"
EncapsulatingObject($key : id == 7)
EncapsulatingObject( encapsulationMap[$key+""] !=null)
//eval( encapsulationMap.get($key+"") != null) working
System.out.println("key is "+$key +" value is :::
Out put
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
key is 7 value is ::: Encapsulating object key 7
Explanation :
I have objects of Encapsulating as facts. same type of objects are present
in hashmap. Field id is getting used for hashcode and for equals to store it
in hashmap.
I am inserting 9 facts and all of them are unique. Number of occurance if
you see are 9.
1. I dont know why it behaves like this? i think there should have been
just 1 object.
2. If I *comment out EncapsulatingObject( encapsulationMap[$key+""]
and *uncomment eval* i get proper results i.e only one output. BZut i want
to assign object to a variable hence i have to use *EncapsulatingObject(
encapsulationMap[$key+""] !=null)*
Can any one explain me this behaviour ?
What am i missing or where am i going wrong.
Please help
Thanks and Regards
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