Hi Edison,
Thanks for the tip, I realize how I can use Integer type now.
The following should hopefully be sufficient to reproduce the error that I
am experiencing. Please me know if you need further clarity. I'm continuing
to search through posts to and debug. I'll post back if I find the solution.
-- Model DRL ---
package com.uday.targeting
declare Profile
pageFreq: Map
// In a driver, create a fact type for Profile, given that it is defined via
a declarative model.
FactType profileType = kbase.getFactType("com.uday.targeting",
// Define a HashMap for pageFreq, and set the number of times a user visited
page tagged as "internet" to 2.
Map<String,Integer> pageFreq = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
pageFreq.put("internet", Integer.valueOf(2));
// Associated the pageFreq Map with the Profile fact.
profileType.set(profile, "pageFreq", pageFreq);
// insert the profile into working memory
--- UdayRule DRL ---
package com.uday.targeting
rule "Testing out UdayCompare Custom Operator"
ruleflow-group "udaytesting"
profile : Profile()
Integer( this udaycompare[gt] 1 ) from profile.pageFreq["internet"]
System.out.println("Yippie it works!!");
Error thrown:
Unable to build expression for 'from' : 1
'profile.pageFreq["internet"]' :
[Rule name='Testing out UdayCompare Custom Operator']
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