I have the following rule in my DRL file
rule "inverteroff-evaluate-based-on-pvpower"
# the if part
alertDefinition : Alert
alertCondition: AlertCondition(name ==
context: EvaluationContext (
timeRight == true,
pvPower!= null,
pvPower <= 0
# what do we do if the rule evaluates to true
log("Triggered inverteroff alert for
alertConfigID" + $configID);
log("Context info:" + context);
I would like to know if I assert an EvaluationContext
for which timeRight == false, will the getPvPower()
method still be called ? (logically it shouldn't be
called since the "," separated conditions are "AND"
From my tests it seems like the getPvPower method is
irrespective of the value of timeRight.
If that is the expected behaviour how can I improve my
rule definition to ensure that getPvPower isn't called
if it is not necessary.
Thank you,
Rahul Phadnis