Hi All,
When i try to update three object in rules its changes the values in
rules . But after update its not reflecting on my calling code. But
workflowAction object has been updated.
What could be the problem anything i missed out here.
Please help me .
rule "Referback"
$workflow : Workflow(workflowActorId==2)
$workflowactor : WorkflowActor( $actoremail :actorEmail )
$workflowaction : WorkflowActions(currentUser==$actoremail &&
actions=='referback', $prevActions : prevActions )
$workflowactor1 : WorkflowActor( actorId== 1 && actorSign!=null)
System.out.println("drl2 action finally " + $workflowaction.getActions() +
$actoremail +$workflowactor1.getActorEmail() + $prevActions +
$workflowaction.setActions("not need further actions");
System.out.println("worklfow id " + $workflow.getWorkflowActorId() +
$workflowactor1.getActorId() + " " + $workflowactor1.getActorSign());
Thanks in advance
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