I am using Guvnor 2.1.1 on Glassfish 2.1 and mostly it seems to work
very well.
However, I am now looking to setup authentication of users to the Guvnor
server and this is where I am finding problems.
I tried writing a class with an "authenticate" method to authenticate
against a Glassfish realm using ProgrammaticLogin but (as far as I can
tell) this class is not being used by Guvnor.
Looking at the source, Guvnor appears to only use the
org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.authenticate method which uses only the
jaas-config-name value from the components.xml file.
So I then tried setting the jaas-config-name to "fileRealm" (which
exists in Glassfish's default login.conf) but now I get
"javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: No credentials." logged in my
server.log (and the user get a fail message, naturally).
Has anyone out there managed to configure Guvnor to authenticate against
a Glassfish realm or JAAS context and would be willing to help me through?
Chris Selwyn