Using 5.1.1 and knowing that "a Return Value restriction is a parenthesized
expression composed from literals, any valid Java primitive or object,
previously bound variables, function calls, and operators" I wrote
OperatorOrder( $code: code, $id1: elId1, $id2: elId2 )
CommandCode( code == $code, operands != ( $id1!=null ? ($id2!=null ? 2 :
1) : 0 ) )
and got the erroneous error message:
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name='operator command: invalid number of
(9:714) : $id2 cannot be resolved
Variations in the return value restriction show that it is the nesting of
-?-:- which causes the bug; a similar (but not equivalent) expression
operands != ( ($id1!=null ? 1:0) + ($id2!=null ? 1:0) )
is accepted.