Does your Destination class have a field "FieldMember"?
2009/7/29 Divya Rajendranath <divya.rajendranath(a)>
I am setting an ArrayList as a Global on my drools session by saying ...
StatefulSession drlSession = getRuleManager().getSession();
drlSession.setGlobal("myMailingList", myMailingList);
then in my Drl file, I send the same arrayList as a parameter to the setter
of another object by saying...
package com.test.rules;
import java.util.ArrayList;
global java.util.ArrayList myMailingList;
rule "Test"
salience 100
no-loop true
$o:MyObject(some condition)
So, based on some condition/field value in MyObject I want to set the
Destination with the arraylist - myMailingList.
Is the way I specify/refer the ArrayList in the then part fine. Because I
am always getting "unable to compile test.drl file - runtime exception".
Could some one please help me with this.
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