I tried to use kie-cli-config tools but it is not getting worked. I have
downloaded the zip distribution of that as mentioned in doc but when I am
running the kie-clie-config.sh file it's not resolving the main method under
CmdMain class. I have also tried to add the maven dependency for
'kie-cli-config' in my java project and tried to execute the main method
it's giving some exception at the point where initializing the clicontext.
It's giving exception in the following line -
bootstrap.validateBeans(); (within -
Exception coming -
Unsatisfied dependencies for type [ServletContext] with qualifiers [@Named]
at injection point [[field] @Inject @Named private
Hence I can not go forward after this. Looks like ServletContext is not
getting resolved within 'RuntimePluginsServiceServerImpl' class. Can you
please confirm if this is an issue ? In that case what will be the work
around we will use?
Any help will be really appreciated.
Many Thanks,
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