On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 16:04 -0500, Edson Tirelli wrote:
Ok, this one was hidden for a long time. Interesting no one
stumbled on it before you.
The problem is triggered in case your fact class/interface has a
method that matches the following 3 conditions:
* it is public
* its name starts with "set"
* it has no parameters
Your fact interface had a method:
public XXX setup();
That would make the ClassFieldInspector class to raise an
exception, making it impossible to create any field accessors for it.
I can understand why.
Anyway, it is fixed now on trunk (to be released in M2) and
5.0.x. Meanwhile, the possible workaround is to break one of the three
conditions above: either make the method non-public, or rename it to
not start with "set" or add at least one (dummy) parameter to it.
Thanks for reporting.
Thank you for fixing it!
I renamed the method and it is now working!
Brice Figureau
My Blog: