I recently run into some problems when trying to create a simple holiday
request process.
I defined process variables but I struggle to understand how to access them
in Human Task.
In my User Task ,,holiday approval" I have this as a description:
#{employee} requested holiday for #{length} days
I set both variables when I start the process and the result looks as
expected, for example ,,John requested holiday fo 14 days.
But lets say I want a manager approving the holiday request to add his
response as a variable. How do I do that?
I tried to use the Result mapping with someting like this: response=response
but I get an error saying ,,There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF
Also if I manage to get this running, how do I set this variable in a client
app?[using WS_HT]
I am sorry if I am asking realy basic things, but I realy need some advice.
Bellow is the process definition.
Thanks a lot, matus
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions id="Definition"
<itemDefinition id="_employeeItem" structureRef="String" />
<itemDefinition id="_lengthItem" structureRef="String" />
<itemDefinition id="_managersItem" structureRef="String" />
<itemDefinition id="_responseItem" structureRef="String" />
<process processType="Private" isExecutable="true"
name="test process" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" >
<!-- process variables -->
<property id="employee" itemSubjectRef="_employeeItem"/>
<property id="length" itemSubjectRef="_lengthItem"/>
<property id="managers" itemSubjectRef="_managersItem"/>
<property id="response" itemSubjectRef="_responseItem"/>
<!-- nodes -->
<startEvent id="_1" name="StartProcess" />
<userTask id="_2" name="Holiday approval" >
<dataInput id="_2_CommentInput" name="Comment" />
<dataInput id="_2_SkippableInput" name="Skippable" />
<dataInput id="_2_ContentInput" name="Content" />
<dataInput id="_2_TaskNameInput" name="TaskName" />
<dataInput id="_2_PriorityInput" name="Priority" />
<dataOutput id="_2_responseOutput" name="response" />
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression">#{employee} requested holiday
for #{length} days </from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_CommentInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression">false</from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_SkippableInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression"></from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_ContentInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression">Holiday Approval</from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_TaskNameInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression"></from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_PriorityInput</to>
<endEvent id="_3" name="End" >
<!-- connections -->
<sequenceFlow id="_1-_2" sourceRef="_1"
targetRef="_2" />
<sequenceFlow id="_2-_3" sourceRef="_2"
targetRef="_3" />
<bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="com.sample.test" >
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="_1" >
<dc:Bounds x="16" y="16" width="48"
height="48" />
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="_2" >
<dc:Bounds x="96" y="16" width="100"
height="48" />
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="_3" >
<dc:Bounds x="340" y="16" width="48"
height="48" />
<bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="_1-_2" >
<di:waypoint x="40" y="40" />
<di:waypoint x="146" y="40" />
<bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="_2-_3" >
<di:waypoint x="146" y="40" />
<di:waypoint x="364" y="40" />