I thought I should clarify something. I am not looking for Drools to deal
with such UI-specific issues as enabling and disabling fields, what screen
to show next, etc.
Rather, we are developing a rich set of rules on the server to validate
fully populated data structures that we get from multiple sources. There is
a subset of those rules which apply to the UI (e.g. regular expression,
value ranges, etc). I am trying to: a) avoid having multiple versions of
the rules (one for the server and a different one, in Javascript, for the
client); b) avoid waiting until the user submits the data to the server to
provide them feedback from the shared rules.
The question is, are there best practices for: a) designing the rules such
that they can handle both cases (field validation and record validation); b)
connecting the Web browser to the server (e.g. Ajax) to support this
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