Op 01-02-12 08:37, aitchnyu schreef:
> Sorry if I called it by a misleading name (3x3) . It means a regular sudoku
> like
http://www.sudoku-solutions.com/ .
> And I hacked on NQueens to make it. Only the row is the planning entity.
> Each digit has a value, row, column and a fixed status. A fixed digit has
> row, column and value assigned and fixed status set to true (you must not
> reassign row of this). An unsolved digit has a null row, with column and
> value assigned and fixed status set to false.
> I included three cases. It solves a completely blank grid, it doesnt solve a
> 24-digit problem (it gets stuck at a step, see included log snippet), it
> solves an easier 8-digit version of same problem in *much longer time*.
> *Case*: Output of solving a completely blank grid
> 12:42:33.977 [main] INFO o.d.p.c.l.DefaultLocalSearchSolverPhase - Phase
> local search finished: step total (148), time spend (5491), best score (0).
> 12:42:33.977 [main] INFO o.d.p.core.solver.DefaultSolver - Solved: time
> spend (5491), best score (0), average calculate count per second (17598).
> *Case*: solving problem 1: 24 digits of
> 12:51:34.279 [main] DEBUG o.d.p.c.l.DefaultLocalSearchSolverPhase - Step
> index (10530), time spend (164914), score (-3), best score (-3),
> accepted move size (456) for picked step (Digit:4 (Row 5,Column 2) block
> code[10] => Row 3)
I don't see a construction heuristic at work here. Have you tried
running a construction heuristic before the local search?
It's not hard, just add 3 lines (use FIRST FIT). Take a look 5.4.0.Beta2
version of nqueensSolverConfig.xml.
for speed -->
I wouldn't be surprised that a construction heuristic solves the 24 clue
sudoku immediately,
without having to resort to local search even.
Correction: If the score function
adds a positive soft constraint
when 2 digits are on the same row, column or block and don't clash,
only then I wouldn't be surprised that a construction heuristic solves
the 24 clue sudoku immediately.
that's not good if there are positive constraints).
Sudoku probably isn't really a straightforward, good example for Planner.