I cannot do that. This map is not a normal *hashmap is gemfire region *as i
have mentioned. It is used to commnunicate with gemfire. So when i say i
have fact and when I say map.get(fact). its gemfire hitting its region. It
gets object for me from gemfire. *Gemfire is a database engine*.
so when i say EncapsulatingObject($key : id) it is going to assign value of
id to $key. It is from fact.
using this value as key i fetch it from map which is my gemfire region. *For
time being since i am exprementing i am converting this $key as string to
fetch it from map */else in real map all the values will be of type
EncapsulatingObject and all of its keys will also be of type
After i obtain my object from gemfire i will use its properties to match my
*This region actually holds millions of data* so i cannot copy this data to
my jvm and use it
I am trying to simulate some things for its possibility before i use it in
my development code.
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