Mauricio Salatino píše v Út 27. 11. 2012 v 15:11 +0000:
Well do you want us to include the response time for your Database?
The Drools Rule engine will keep all your facts inside the main memory
(RAM) so it will be fast, but if you need to retrieve data from your
database, you will need to take that into account. Depending on how
you are doing that and how much data do you want to bring will be the
response times.
Going low-level, your standard Oracle JRE / OpenJDK doesn't guarantee
response time. If it is a hard requirement to have timely responses,
you'll have to buy a real-time JRE from some commercial vendor.
Lukáš Petrovický
QE Lead, JBoss Enterprise BRMS
Phone: +420 532 294 123
irc: lpetrovi, triceo