If I understand the chemistry correctly, the relation
mayUse( Drug, Presc ) -> Boolena
must be implemented.
Then, the Facts are pairs of MayUse<Drug, Presc>. To see whether it's valid,
you insert a Fact IsValid containing just the two. If a rule can match
the IsValid to a MayUse, then it's valid and IsValid is retracted. If a
low-salience rule matches just IsValid it's not valid. Or you write the
complementary rule.
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:56 AM, djb <dbrownell83(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Drools users,
I've got a situation where I've got a list of Drug codes which can only be
used for certain prescription codes.
The traditional method for implementing this is to simply pre-load the
values in a static Hashmap. Then if get() returns null, it is not a valid
combination. O(1), blazingly fast.
The issue with using Drools for this, is that Drools can match a code to a
code, and mark it as valid, but cannot call it invalid, as another rule may
still be relevant. Therefore, using Drools for this would require marking
combinations as valid, and afterwards, doing a linear traversal of the
prescriptions to see if there are any combinations that are not valid.
Is this the case? I would like to try implement it in Drools just for the
sake of consistency, but it seems a bit of a hack.
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