All running process instances are always stored persistently after their
state has been changed, and they can be reloaded from the database if
they are no longer in memory.
So whenever the application needs to be restarted, you must restore the
session (either creating a new one or reloading it using the unique
session id). Execution will then continue as before. For example, if a
user then completes a task that was requested by a specific process
instance, the engine will automatically know that that user task was
related to that specific process instance and reload its previous state
from the database.
So, as long as you make sure that the session is restarted, all process
instances will continue from the state they were at before without you
having to do anything.
Quoting Pardeep.Ruhil(a)
Hi Users,
I am having a doubt regarding the Drools Workflow in my scenario.
I want to integrate Drools Flow in my application and have some
regarding the
persistence of Workflow process instances.
Let suppose I have a workflow running in my application and at point
my application crashed or i restart my application. So is their way i
restart the workflow the point it was.
If i store the process instance Id in the database, so am I able to
my workflow process
from where it had stopped , if it is possible can you tell me the
responsible for the same.
Please help me to get through the situation.
Thanks & Regards
Pardeep Ruhil
L&T Infotech Ltd
Ph: +919820283884
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
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