J Michael Dean wrote:
When a fact is declared with propertyChangeSupport in Guvnor, such as
declare Hemodynamics
systolicBP: Integer
diastolicBP: Integer
centralVenousP: Integer
wedgeP: Integer
status: Boolean
alive: Boolean
then the following warning shows up in JBoss console:
Warning: Method addPropertyChangeListener not found on the class
class makeModelTest.Hemodynamics so Drools will be unable to process
JavaBean PropertyChangeEvents on the asserted Object
PropertyChangeSupport is only
for user classpath beans, we won't be
supporting it in our generated pojos. We only add it as a tick list
feature and I don't personally like the feature very much, as notifies
the engine each time a field is changed, instead as part of a block
I implement property changes in a model object so would like to be
able to say something like:
declare Hemodynamics extends ModelObject
systolicBP: Integer
diastolicBP: Integer
centralVenousP: Integer
wedgeP: Integer
status: Boolean
alive: Boolean
The documentation refers to using Guvnor and declarative facts to
extend an object that already exists, but not clear that this can
actually be done.
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