You'll have to rebuild the drools-* jars for this. Seems like the jars in the plugin
were compiled using "-o", removing all line information from the class files.
If you replace these jars by normal ones, eclipse will be able to step you through the
code. Seems like you had better chosen option 2, because while you're rebuilding
them, you can add the sources as well ;)
Or you could just add the drools-core and drools-compiler projects in the classpath as
required projects, and make sure they are before the jars in the Drools classpath
container, that way it will just use the code in those projects instead of the precompiled
I'm not sure why those jars were compiled using -o in the first place though ... maybe
something to do with being backward compatible for JDK1.4.
----- Original Message -----
From: Francisco Brum
To: Rules Users List
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:37 PM
Subject: [rules-users] Adding DROOLS/JBoss Rules to classpath WITH LINENUMBERS
Hi everybody!
I have added the JBoss rules - drools 3.0.5 to an existing eclipse project.
I have already solved the problem of adding the source code of drools to the debugging
of eclipse, using the first indication of Kris, witch is quoted in the end!
Now the problem it's being able to debugging using the source of drools, but having
the line number, so that eclipse can follow the exact actions of the source.
Can anybody help me?!
Yes, the drools jars do not contain any source by default (to limit the size of the
jars).There are two ways to use the source of these classes though: * When you are trying
to debug an application in eclipse, and you open the debug dialog (right click your Java
main class, select Debug As -> Debug ...), there is a tab there you can use to add
sources. If you download the sources from svn and import these as Java projects in
eclipse, you can just add those projects to the source lookup path. I added a screenshot
to help you out with that. * If you add the sources to the drools jars directly (in the
same dir as the corresponding class files, so not in a separate src dir or something like
that), those sources will be found automatically as well. So rebuilding those jars and
adding the sources should do the trick for all your projects at once. Kris
Thanks in advance for the attention of this problem.
Francisco Brum - francisco.brum(a)
Link Consulting -
Tel.: 213 100 031
Av. Duque D'Ávila, 23 4º Esq.
1000-138 Lisboa
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