I am looking at the new Kie API and I am trying to work out how I tell it / Drools that I
have a RuleMatrixSheet ..
This was the old way (a bit manual)
final SpreadsheetCompiler converter = new SpreadsheetCompiler();
final InputStream stream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(
"/path/to/spreadsheet.xls" );
final String drl = converter.compile( stream,
new RuleMatrixSheetListener() );
Is there an example of a matrix style Spreadsheet being used to generate the rules, with
the new Kie APIs ?
I can't seem to find similar concepts on the ResourceFactory API, or on
Version 5 and version 6 don't really "support" the Configuration object
understanding the Matrix Style Rules table.
If it were to be implemented, it looks like :
needs some changes, to support the compilation of a Rule Matrix where write* is taking a
If there is not an Example, what do I need to "wire" together for this.
Any pointers are much appreciated.
Kind regards
Ramon Buckland