OK, well thanks Kris. That gives me something to work with.
I am in fact currently only using processes, not rules for my Drools Flow, so it explains
a lot.
One final question here:
2. Retrieve the top-level Claim process instance and search for all
active node instances in there that are SubProcess node instances. You
can get the process instance id from those as well.
This seems the closest to what I was planning to implement.
However, I don't see any methods in either StatefulKnowledgeSession or ProcessInstance
that would enable me to gather up SubProcess node instances.
Could you point me in the right direction on how I could do this?
----- Original Message ----
From: Kris Verlaenen <kris.verlaenen(a)cs.kuleuven.be>
To: Rules Users List <rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org>; Bill Tarr
Sent: Fri, October 23, 2009 9:03:31 AM
Subject: Re: [rules-users] [droolsflow] JPAKnowledgeService - how do you reload a Session
with Processes?
Quoting Bill Tarr <javatestcase(a)yahoo.com>:
What is the purpose of persisting the SessionInfo @Entity?
Note that we are not purely process-oriented but knowledge-oriented, so
this also includes rules and event processing. If you only use simple
processes without rules, your session state will indeed be empty. But
all rule-related state (objects in working memory, rules on agenda,
etc.) can also be part of your session state.
It has lost it's processes, what useful information does it
have? Why not just create a new Session and use it to open your
If you only use processes without rules, you could do this.
I do recognize the need to maintain a list of processes associated
any given domain objects (which for me are Claims.)
Based on your explanation, I
still believe you should probably not use
getProcessInstances() to find the process instance you need to signal.
Main reason is that we want to avoid having all active process instances
in memory (we use lazy loading), and this might become difficult to
manage once you start adding more processes. Alternatively, you could do:
1. Add the necessary data to your Claim object to facilitate looking up
this information later. For example, use on-entry/on-exit actions to
add an Episode to your claim, where the Episode would contain the
process instance id. That way you can query the Claim for active Episodes.
2. Retrieve the top-level Claim process instance and search for all
active node instances in there that are SubProcess node instances. You
can get the process instance id from those as well.
3. Use a custom history log and create queries that could retrieve the
active sub-processes of a parent process based on the logged events.
Let me lay out the system and use case, and my proposed solution, and
you can tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
1. I have a *Claim* process
2. has 1..n of subflows in a ForEach representing documents
3. has 1 supporting subflows each for - Creation, Benefits,
1. Each Claim (and subflows) interacts with several users
2. Long periods of time between user interaction (waiting for extenal
1. Create sessions and processes with JPAKnowledgeService on Claim
2. Have Events as blocking points in the flows, persist - await User
3. Store Session ID in Claim domain object (i.e. Claim#1002 is Drools
Flow Session#879)
4. Events from User, reload session, **route Event to appropriate
1. Receive Event in Document #2 of 2
2. All Doc Process are now complete, return to Claim Process
3. Claim Process continues, enters Benefits Process
So, during one Event, Drools has closed a Process, returned to the
parent Process, then opened a new Process as a subflow.
If the reloaded Session knew all the processes associated with my
Claim, I could handle events coming in easily.
Look at the session, find the active subflow, pass in the event.
Otherwise I must track all subflows.
Anyway, any help you can provide in helping me understand how to use
the persistence model better is greatly appreaciated.
----- Original Message ----
From: Kris Verlaenen <kris.verlaenen(a)cs.kuleuven.be>
To: Rules Users List <rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org>; Bill Tarr
Sent: Thu, October 22, 2009 6:19:30 PM
Subject: Re: [rules-users] [droolsflow] JPAKnowledgeService - how do
you reload a Session with Processes?
The getProcessInstances() method returns all process instances that
currently loaded into the engine. When using persistence, we
deliberately made that method to NOT fetch all active process
(as this could be thousands and that would impact performance). So
you use persistence, you will always get an empty list as the
instances are not kept in memory but stored in the database. But
worry, the engine will know when to reload process instances, you
shouldn't take care of that yourself.
Could you explain the use case you are trying to support in a little
more detail? In general, I think you should be using a history log
this, where you can query the active instances, the completed ones,
happened, etc.
Quoting Bill Tarr <javatestcase(a)yahoo.com>:
> How do I FULLY reload my session with JPAKnowledgeService?
> Specifically, shouldn't my session still know it's processes after
> reloading?
> I'm using JPAKnowledgeService to persist my sessions and
> after running, I have the following DB rows:
> SessionInfo - 1
> ProcessInstanceInfo - 3 (1 ClaimFlow, and 2 subflow DocFlows)
> I get a session properly with loadStatefulKnowledgeSession:
> StatefulKnowledgeSession session =
> JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession( 1,
> null, env );
> but this statement returns an empty collection:
> Collection<ProcessInstance> instanceCollection =
> session.getProcessInstances();
> There is no key link between @Entity SessionInfo and
> ProcessInstanceInfo, so that result makes sense.... but shouldn't
> restoring the session restore the links to the active process
> that session?
> I can get the processes by id, but I'm not sure grabbing a subflow
> works in this example, I really want the session:
> ProcessInstance processClm = session.getProcessInstance(1);
> Is there actually some other way to retrieve the processes from
> reloaded session?
> As always, thanks for the help!
> Bill
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