How would you distinguish your data if it isn't in Drools' Working Memory?
A fact handle is something your application should not use except as a
"handle" for retracting facts, if the need arises.
And then there is System::identityHashCode()...
On 21/02/2014, Yoncho Yonchev <yoncho.yonchev(a)> wrote:
Hello, in order to distinguish my fact instances I need them to have
sort of number/id. Before implementing it I realized that the KieSession is
not working with my business instance references, but with FactHandles, so
it occurs to me that there might be some standard id that is defined and
populated by the Drools in runtime.
So here is my question - Can a fact be identified by some sort of
identifier after KieSession execution? May be if we get the FactHandles
from it, or if we use the KieBase for that?
Thanks in advance!
Yoncho Yonchev.