AeroGear Crypto Java 0.1.2 released
by Bruno Oliveira
Good morning, just to let you know we released today the bits for digital signatures and some bug fixes.
Have a happy new year sweet hearts.
2 years, 7 months
[UPS] Proposal to change the Push Message Format
by Sebastien Blanc
I was looking at our current Push Message Format[1] and I was wonderimg if
you should not add some more structure to it, decoupling config, criterias
and the message itself :
"config" : {
"ttl" : 3600,
"content-available" : true,
"simple-push": "version=123"
"criteria" : {
"alias" : ["user(a)", "someone(a)", ....],
"categories" : ["someCategory", "otherCategory"],
"deviceType" : ["iPad", "AndroidTablet"],
"variants" : ["c3f0a94f-48de-4b77-a08e-68114460857e",
"message": {
"someKey":"some value",
"anotherCustomKey":"some other value"
wdyt ?
10 years, 2 months
UPS -> Windows 8 push notifications thoughts
by A577127
I'm looking for information about your future plans for implementing Windows
8 push notifications on the unified push server (if you've already thought
about it). I looked for topics on the mailing list but didn't find my
answers so I create this topic.
Since Windows 8 uses XML data format, what are you plans to implement it on
the UPS in the future ? Current supported platforms all use JSON, allowing
to send a notification to everyone from one command. Either you'll lose this
capability, either you'll have to "convert" JSON to XML, which is
problematic since Windows 8 has dozens of XML schemas (and some aren't
really compatible with Apple's one for example).
View this message in context:
Sent from the aerogear-dev mailing list archive at
10 years, 4 months
UPS Production worthiness
by Vivek Pandey
Hello Aerogear dev team,
We integrated UPS into our backend server which is serving various mobile
apps. While the development and testing phase went well, my manager is
questioning me about production worthiness about Aerogear. It would be great
help if you could point me to references/success stories where UPS is being
used in production environments and scaling well in medium to high loads.
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10 years, 4 months
Swift - Frameworks/Static libs and Cocoapods
by Christos Vasilakis
Hi all,
want to give a heads up on the current status of Swift frameworks/static libs generation and cocoapods support. This is based on the current state of affairs, as in Xcode beta 4 (released yesterday).
Note: "Since rapid developments are taking place, will update this thread as more information becomes available and with any breaking changes"
First, let me start by making three observations:
a) quoting Apple release notes[1], "Xcode does not support building static libraries that include Swift code”. You can notice that in Xcode 6 when choosing “Cocoa Touch Static Library” there is no option to select “Swift” as the preferred language.
b) new in Xcode 6 is the generation of ‘dynamic’ frameworks for library targets. The reason for ‘dynamic’ linking, as explained by apple in [2], is to enable the new functionality in iOS 8 called ‘extensions’. Per apple quote "Frameworks work perfectly with extensions, sharing logic that can be used by both the main application, and the bundled extensions”
c) Dynamic framework for a swift library (the only option offered by Xcode) , in the current state requires the source code of the library to be build together with the app that uses it. This is due to the binary interface, which has not being finalised yet. Quoting apple blog [3] ("Binary Compatibility and Frameworks” section):
"While your app’s runtime compatibility is ensured, the Swift language itself will continue to evolve, and the binary interface will also change. To be safe, all components of your app should be built with the same version of Xcode and the Swift compiler to ensure that they work together.
This means that frameworks need to be managed carefully. For instance, if your project uses frameworks to share code with an embedded extension, you will want to build the frameworks, app, and extensions together. It would be dangerous to rely upon binary frameworks that use Swift — especially from third parties. As Swift changes, those frameworks will be incompatible with the rest of your app. When the binary interface stabilizes in a year or two, the Swift runtime will become part of the host OS and this limitation will no longer exist.”
What does all that gives us?
In plain form, "Distribution of the push-sdk (swift port) should be done in source form with polished documentation on how the user can add it to their own project.”
Already, looking at the various swift-libs currently in existence[4], that is the current approach, a well-written on how the user can add the library dependency into their own projects. For example, something like the section “How to Install Library” found here [5]
As for cocoapods, currently no support is provided for swift projects. There is an on-going discussion on the issues list found here [6] on how to effectively support ‘dynamic framework’ for swift projects, and still keep backwards compatibility, but things are not yet finalised.
Let me know your thoughts / comments.
10 years, 4 months
News from iOS Modules front
by Corinne Krych
Hello Guys,
Last Tuesday during our (favourite) iOS meeting [1] [2] we talked about modularization. We agreed with Android team modularization is scheduled for 2.0.
For iOS we have several actions:
1. rename existing repos (too bad we don’t follow well Android convention)
• aerogear-ios-crypto
• aerogear-ios-push (thanks passos for the suggestion)
• aerogear-ios-otp
• aerogear-ios-xcode-template
• aerogear-ios-cookbook
Since we’re talking about renaming, what about dropping “arerogear” for the repo name? all those repos belong to aerogear organization anyway. Maybe removing the aerogear part will stress more the small libraries aspect. Maybe sth we already discussed but can’t remember/find it. wdyt?
2. Pipe and Store deprecated. All aerogear-ios we’ll stick to 1.7 version and will be marked deprecated.
But …. don’t be scared new modules will replace them:
• aerogear-ios-http : Lightweight lib around NSURLSession to ease HTTP calls with pluggable request and response Serializers. Very very Draft version [3] with some cookbook recipe [4]. With this module we will work directly with NSURLSession (iOS foundation networking) instead of using AFNetworking. Sure Andrea will like it: no dependency :)
• aerogear-ios-oauth2 : dependent on aerogear-ios-http, bring all the good stuff like AccountManager, OAuth2 extensible adapters, fluid http post/get ...
• aerogear-ios-storage usage of incrementalStorage to plug into Core Data
Those modules will be written in Swift code. We’ll test them both in iOS7 and iOS8.
3. Cookbook recipes rpo
• tag our repo 1.7: we didn’t have a tag strategy for cookbook demos but with the move from 1.X to 2.) I think we should
* Swift demo naming convention add “-swift” for Swift version like we did [5]. We should also append “-objc” to other recipes to be consistent.
4. Differentiate Swift vs Objective-C libs
How to differenctiate Swift code. Specially for aerogear-ios-push which will be declined in 2 versions? One suggestion from Matthias was to have 2 separate branches.
master -> objc-c
until iOS8 is released and stable.
I’m +1 with that idea.
Let me know if you have suggestions/objections. When we reach an agreement, I’ll create associated JIRA.
10 years, 4 months
[UPS] What should the Top 3 Most Active Variants shows ?
by Sebastien Blanc
I decided to start a new thread after some discussions we had on a previous
Basically, we are talking about this part of the dashboard :
[image: screenshot-1.png - Latest 25/Jul/14 8:20 AM - Sebastien Blanc]
It appeared that is not really clear what we want to show there, as a side
note, the current query behind this is not correct and should change
whatever we decide.
So, what can we show here :
1. Show the most (three) recent active variants (and their # of receivers)
Active means here, the 3 latest variants that sent a Push Message.
The term "receivers" can also be confusing , do we want to show :
1.a : The number of receivers/active tokens that received the last Push
message (i.e : Push Message A sent to 10 people and Push Message B to 5
people, we show 5) ?
1.b : The total number of receivers/actives tokens of this variant (i.e :
Push Message A sent to 10 people and Push Message B to 5 people, we show
15) ?
1.c : The total number of Push Messages sent (i.e : Push Message A sent to
10 people and Push Message B to 5 people, we show 2). ?
2. Show the most active variants (and their # of receivers)
Almost same than 1. but here we look at all the variants even those without
an recent activity.
Here again 1.a/1.b or 1.c applies.
The core question, IMO, is what would be an useful information for the user
10 years, 5 months