AeroGear Crypto Java 0.1.2 released
by Bruno Oliveira
Good morning, just to let you know we released today the bits for digital signatures and some bug fixes.
Have a happy new year sweet hearts.
2 years, 9 months
[Question] Name for digger jenkins node js client
by Wojciech Trocki
Aerogear team is looking for name for our jenkins node.js client.
Names are important to avoid confusion between different generations of the
build farm
and also to simplify documentation etc.
*My recommendation:*
- Keep simple name and use it (or parts of it) as repo name, npm package
name, executable name, project name or in documentation etc. to avoid
- Avoid '-', '_' characters in executable name (this is mostly command line
*digkins-node* for repository name
*digkins* as executable name
Use digkins everywhere needed to denote that this would mean "node.js
command line client"
*What we have at the moment*
It's not denoting in the name that we talking here about new version of the
digger so better to change it or add some number etc.
*Executable*: digkins (digger + jenkins)
PS: Please check if name is available on npm
Sprint :P
Wojciech Trocki
8 years, 2 months
OpenShift Jenkins Build Farm
by Wojciech Trocki
Hi everyone
In the AeroGear community we started working on a Jenkins based server
solution, powered by Openshift. The project is still in early stage, but of
course everybody is more than welcome to contribute.
*You can contribute in may ways:*- Create issues with ideas and improvements
- Help to improve documentation
- Share info with the world
- Design mascot for the project ;)
*What's is supported at the moment:*- Android build pipelines
- Jenkins running on openshift
- Java and node.js clients
*Main goal for the next sprint:*
- IOS build pipelines
- Adding additional Jenkins plugins etc.
High Level Demo:
*Project on github :*
*Public jira: *
For more, feel free to chat on our aerogear-dev list.
Wojciech Trocki
8 years, 2 months
New automated test-suite for UPS
by Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo
Me and @ziccardi just started working on a new automated test-suite for the
UPS. On that regards we should have a repo where push all this stuff.
So far we have introduced a mocked server (WireMock) so that we can make
whatever request and send whatever push message without FCM banning us.
*Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo*
Associate QE at Mobile Team, *Red Hat*
+34 618 488 633
8 years, 2 months
Review process for aerogear PR's
by Wojciech Trocki
Hi Aerogear Developers :)
Do you guys think that we can use github squash or merge option as default
action for aerogear digger repos (or even every aerogear repository)?
Aerogear contribution guide doesn't state how tickets are reviewed etc.
but I see that most of the opensource projects use squashing option after
merging to master - this would still allow us to push as many commits as we
want. Squashing would be performed before merge to master on github. This
would make our git logs clean and would simplify releases etc.
I do not want to start some holly war here, but I would just like to keep
things clean and avoid some commits to repo without actual meaning or
simply incomplete. When checking changes on the master multiple commits can
make things difficult. It would be hard to provide some release notes
basing on that etc.
Wojciech Trocki
Software Engineer, Red Hat Mobile
8 years, 2 months
Problem in Activity log
by Javornik, Romain
when going in Activity log the status was blocked on pending, I investigate and the problem was coming from the table variant_metric_info.
Here is the line where issue come from (everything was back to normal when deleted) :
'29213adf-26a5-4d97-906c-f7b2caf16216', '1', NULL, '974', '6f790194-c7b7-446e-99b2-f2eb060c177e', 'b92724e3-eb52-4ef5-a788-edab9c68b980', '1', '1', '0'
Did anyone has this error before ?
I don't see anything in my JBoss logs (6.4).
Best Regards,
Romain Javornik
8 years, 2 months