AeroGear Crypto Java 0.1.2 released
by Bruno Oliveira
Good morning, just to let you know we released today the bits for digital signatures and some bug fixes.
Have a happy new year sweet hearts.
2 years, 8 months
C-B4 changes to Aerogear
by yaniv-cb4
Hi all, During the last 4-5 months C-B4 had made some changes
<> to AeroGear server.
I would like do discuss those changes with you guys in order to decide which
are relevant for aerogear upstream.
Technical issues,
1) Maven changes to support Wildfly 8.2.1.
2) Maven eclipse integration, include js resources into output war.
3) unifiedpush-service - use arquillian/wildfly instead of openejb.
4) unifiedpush-jaxrs - additional tests using arquillian.
Feature changes:
1) Documents API - Store & Forward documents. Designed to support large
payload, store json doc and send silent push.
2) Register installation in disabled mode. First step to versification
3) Enable device based on verification process (SMS/Email). Plugable
architecture. default impl uses Clickatell API but can be configures to any
other vendor impl.
4) Extended Multitenancy - Link aliases to application. First step to
section 5
5) Move installation to new variant/application based on alias relation.
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8 years, 9 months
Google Service Gradle Plugin
by Summers Pittman
I am currently working on setting up support for consuming the
google-services.json file for our AeroGear Android Push. I can parse the
file to extract the push values from it at runtime if the file is in the
assets folder; however, the Google services plugin expects this to be in
the project flavor root and thus outside of the classpath.
What do you guys think? Ideally we wouldn't be dependent on Google's
plugin and would put this file in assets. However if you use Google's
services above and beyond push then we will either a) need to duplicate the
file or b) intelligently detect if the plugin was used to build the project
and consume the file as appropriate.
8 years, 9 months
Facing a problem during using AeroGear OTP Cordova plugin
by arnob_t78
Hi, I am new in using this kind of features, Well I am facing a problem
which I can’t solve, on testing purpose I have created a black ionic
angularjs framework based mobile application where I am using AeroGear OTP
Cordova plugin and when I click the OTP button for scan I got an alert
message saying “Sorry, the Android camera encountered a problem. You may
need to restart the device.” And I found no good documentation about it so
far!! I am stuck on it totally now and I am in a hurry, need a help or
solution. Could you please check it this issues and help me?
Hope to hear from you soon, Thanks again.
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8 years, 9 months
by arnob mahmud
Hi, I amnew in using this kind of features, Well I am facing a problem which I can’tsolve, on testing purpose I have created a black ionic angularjs framework based mobile application where I am using AeroGear OTP Cordova plugin andwhen I click the OTP button for scan I got an alert message saying “Sorry, theAndroid camera encountered a problem. You may need to restart the device.” AndI found no good documentation about it so far!! I am stuck on it totally nowand I am in a hurry, need a help or solution. Could you please check it thisissues and help me?
Hope tohear from you soon, Thanks again.
8 years, 9 months
Google Summer of Code: AeroGear WebPush and UnifiedPush Server integration
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hi all,
I am very happy to welcome Idel Pivnitsky this year as our Google Summer of
Code student. Idel is an active community member since last years GSoC
project, where he directly worked on our WebPush Server effort.
This year Idel will work on WebPush and its integration into our
UnifiedPush Server.
Please join me in welcoming Idel to work on WebPush at AeroGear this summer!
Attached is the abstract
AeroGear WebPush and UnifiedPush Server integration
The AeroGear UnifiedPush Server is a powerful and scalable server that
allows sending push notifications to different (mobile) platforms. And now
it’s time to extend it and add supporting for a new WebPush protocol, which
will allow to send push notifications to the web browsers, such as Google
Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The project also supposes integration of
AeroGear WebPush Server with UPS, which will allow to send push
notifications to any device without requirement to use vendor’s push
messaging systems (Google Cloud Messaging, Mozilla Push Service).
Expected results:
- Add WebPush support for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers into
- Integrate AeroGear WebPush server with UnifiedPush Server.
- Good test coverage for the new code (unit and integration testing).
- Documentation for all new developments and changes.
- Demo applications for showing the work of WebPush protocol in action with
- pure WebPush demo: AeroGear UPS to WebPush Server, which delivers to a
- GCM/MPS push, triggered by UPS. On browser/device push message is
received on WebPush APIs.
Possible additional tasks which could be done:
- Java client for AppServer (similar as a current client for User Agents).
- Rewrite java clients with native Java 9 HTTP/2 API.
- Port webpushcodec directly to Netty. It will simplify WebPush Server
code base and attract other developers to improve the core of the protocol.
Matthias Wessendorf
8 years, 9 months
Facing a problem during using AeroGear OTP Cordova plugin!!
by Arnob Mahmud
Hi, I am new in using this kind of features, Well I am facing a problem
which I cant solve, on testing purpose I have created a black ionic
angularjs framework based mobile application where I am using AeroGear OTP
Cordova plugin and when I click the OTP button for scan I got an alert
message saying Sorry, the Android camera encountered a problem. You may
need to restart the device. And I found no good documentation about it so
far!! I am stuck on it totally now and I am in a hurry, need a help or
solution. Could you please check it this issues and help me?
Hope to hear from you soon, Thanks again.
Arnob Mahmud
Mobile Developer
get it live GmbH
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<> arnob(a)
Managing Director: Jan Husseini / Commercial register: local court Hanau,
HRB 94959
8 years, 9 months
Consuming Google-Services.json
by Summers Pittman
See JIRA :
Background : Currently we have a developer manually enter the Google
Project ID to enable push messages in their application. However, this
approach is considered "legacy" from Google's POV and they are encouraging
consuming the Google-services.json file.
There are two ways we can consume this file. The first is to parse it
manually and extract the key "project_info/project_number"[1]. The second
is to have the developer add the google services plugin to their Gradle
projects and then we can consume the key from the resources with the
field "R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId".
I would prefer to parse the file manually. It make our code less reliant
on Google's tools and it allows our users to choose if they will use
Google's plug in for its other features. However, Google's plugin may
provide extra features or validation which may be useful in the future.
1: This is a documented value described in this section :
8 years, 10 months