Please use the ModeShape JIRA for issue tracking
by Randall Hauch
The old DNA JIRA has been decommissioned.
All issues have been moved into the ModeShape JIRA, so please start using the ModeShape JIRA for all issue management. The JIRA key for the new ModeShape JIRA is "MODE" (e.g., "MODE-1", "MODE-2", etc.).
For the most part, the migration of the DNA JIRA issues went very well. It was time consuming (the bulk move loses data, so I moved them individually), and unfortunately the MODE issue numbers don't correlate very well with the old DNA issue numbers (long story, actually). After DNA-500 or so, they correlate pretty well, but not well enough to rely upon.
The nice part about this is that we have all our issues in one basket, so to speak. The new JIRA contains all of our old DNA releases and release notes, so all history is still there. Plus, anybody that goes to one of the old DNA issues directly by URL will be automatically redirected to the corresponding new MODE issue. And if you need to know what the old DNA issue number is, just look at the "All" tab on the issue, and look for the entry capturing the move operation.
All committers that had privileges in the old DNA JIRA automatically have issues in the new ModeShape JIRA. If you find your permissions are incorrect, please let me know and I'll fix it.
And if you have any problems, please let me know.
Best regards,
15 years, 2 months
Time to begin the rebranding (and SVN is locked down)
by Randall Hauch
The 0.7 release is out the door, so now it is time to rebrand as ModeShape. This won't be an easy few days, but it's better in the long run.
Why are we rebranding? Basically, we need our own brand that we control and that is about what we do. Having "JBoss" in the name comes with a lot of benefit, but there are some disadvantages. For a lot of people, "JBoss" means "Application Server", and though we hope to play a role with AS in the future, right now our JCR implementation is completely independent of AS. For other people, "JBoss" means products (a la subscriptions and support), and ours is an open-source project that, at this point in time, is not included in any of the current JBoss platforms. So, if we lose the "JBoss" part of "JBoss DNA", we're left with "DNA", and unfortunately that's just not sufficient for a project name from a trademark or legal perspective.
So, we've chosen to rebrand our project as "ModeShape". In structural dynamics, the term "mode shape" is used to help describe and understand how a structure responds dynamically to some force or input. And it seemed to fit a project with goals of making it possible to understand the shape and structure of information and content. (Okay, maybe that's a stretch. But you get the idea.)
We already have acquired all the resources for the new name:
we have a Magnolia project for the ModeShape site (, though it's not yet active as I haven't published it yet
we own the '' domain is ours, and will soon redirect to, and we'll be able to use 'org.modeshape' for our package names.
we have a new JIRA, and I will be moving all of the DNA issues into the ModeShape JIRA. Our issues will be of the form "MODE-XYZ"
plus a new SVN repository, new mailing lists, new blog site, new Twitter account, and new Ohloh project.
we have a new logo design and should soon have the images we need
Here are the first steps:
The JBoss DNA SVN has already been locked down, and no more changes can be made to it. DONE!
All of the history from the DNA SVN has already been loaded into the ModeShape SVN. Basically, it looks exactly like the DNA repository did right after the 0.7 release. But at the moment, it is locked down as well, pending the next step. DONE!
I will move all DNA JIRAs (all of them, including those that are complete or incomplete) to the ModeShape JIRA. Any links to DNA issues will automatically redirect to the corresponding issue in the ModeShape JIRA. The numbers won't match, but JIRA has it's own way of doing things.
I've started renaming the projects, packages and classes. The projects will go from 'dna-...' to 'modeshape-...", and our package structure will go from "org.jboss.dna..." to "org.modeshape...". And any class that has "DNA" in the name will be renamed. I will then commit these changes to the ModeShape SVN. I will also move all of the JIRA issues from DNA to
I will then open up the ModeShape SVN, and you could switch your development environments over to use . But at this point, we still only want to change JavaDoc, comments, and the documents.
After this is done, we'll release ModeShape 1.0.0.Beta1, which will essentially be the same thing as DNA 0.7 except with the new brand, new module names, and updated documentation. We'll publish the project, and we'll start publicizing everywhere we can. And, the code in SVN will be changed to be 1.0.0.GA-SNAPSHOT, and we can continue fixing issues, completing any part of the rebranding, and working towards 100% TCK runs and 1.0.0.GA!
What can you do now?
Sign up for the new mailing lists at As usual, we have modeshape-announce@..., modeshape-commits@..., modeshape-dev@..., modeshape-issues@..., and modeshape-users@....
If you're on Twitter, follow @modeshape and retweet when the time comes
If you use an RSS reader, add our new blog at No need to do anything if you're already subscribed to the JBoss Feed.
If you have any local changes, create some patches and edit them so that they'll work with the new project names and package structure
Relax for a few days while I do my magic with JIRA and SVN
As always, ask if you have questions.
Best regards,
15 years, 2 months
JBoss DNA 0.7 is released
by Randall Hauch
I'm pleased to announce that JBoss DNA 0.7 is now available. This has been a long release cycle, but so many of you stepped up and made fantastic contributions. We literally could not have done this without such a talented and hard-working community. You guys rock!
Here's the announcement:
The list of features added to this release is impressive:
passing 97% of the JCR TCK
query/search with support for XPath, JCR-SQL2 (plus many useful extensions), and full-text search languages
a new JDBC metadata connector that allows accessing JDBC metadata via JCR
an improved federation connector
an improved JPA connector
an improved file system connector that supports read/write
an improved SVN connector that now support read/write
a new DDL sequencer for standard DDL or Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Derby dialects (and more to come)
a new Java class file sequencer (that can be coupled with our sequencers for Java source and ZIP files to sequence JAR, WAR, EAR and RAR files)
a new text file sequencer for extracting data from delimited or fixed-width text files
ability to run the database tests against multiple databases
And now that 0.7 is out the door, we've begun the work to rebrand as ModeShape. We plan to quickly release a rebranded version of 0.7 as ModeShape 1.0.0.Beta1 within a week (and make lots of noise), followed a few weeks later with a 1.0.0.GA that passes 100% of the TCK (with even more noise). So stay tuned for lots of news!
Best regards,
15 years, 2 months