The thought was that the cache would operate in a manner similar to
DNS: each source is able to define the cache requirements/parameters
for each piece of data it returns. Each source would also have a
default policy (requirements/parameters) that would be used if none is
provided by the source, and the federation engine could have its own
default policy. Thus, the federation cache would hold onto each node
until: 1) it expires or 2) until it receives a notification from the
source that it has changed or has been removed.
Does that answer your question?
On May 14, 2008, at 4:13 PM, John P. A. Verhaeg wrote:
The getting started documentation discuss providing support for
sources to push change notifications to the DNA server to, for
instance, trigger when a source's cache should be expired in a
federated repository. What is the current thinking for how or what
will be provided to facilitate this?
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