We're getting really close on the 0.3 release. All issues are now
closed, and I've made all of the initial edits to the documentation
and have started reviewing for mistakes and problems. I thought maybe
you'd like to see the preliminary documentation:
The JavaDocs reflect the current state of SVN and may be found at
The Getting Started guide has changed very little, but is at
The Reference Guide changed a lot in chapter 5, with new sections 5.4
and 5.5 (on custom connectors and the new graph API, respectively.
Any class name that appears as a hyperlink should take you to the
correct class in the JavaDoc. You can find the guide at:
If you have time to review the docs (especially Chapter 5 of the
Reference Guide, since it's changed substantially with 2 new
sections), please do what you can and send me your comments/
suggestions/corrections. Thanks!
Best regards,