On 12/20/2011 01:18 PM, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
I agree with this as well. In HV and SEARCH we close the resolved
issues after a release. While they are resolved they could be reopened and closed issues
cannot be reopened again. A new issue should be created in this case.
Closing the issues is a manual process, but I don't see a problem with that. Compared
to other time wasters I don't mind the 2 minutes this process takes.
The concern
here is not the time it takes; the concern is the actually
remembering to do it. I agree its not a major deal, but it is something
to consider.
What is the problem with comments on closed issues? Some comments
might even be useful (aka "had the same problem, fixed now") However, if someone
wants to start a new discussion - tough luck. If the comment is legit we tell them to
create a new issue and link to it.
In the past we had problems with spam comments showing up on closed
issues. It was just a pain in the ass to remove them because you had to
reopen the issue, remove the comment and then (re)close it.
In general I definitely agree that allowing comments on closed issues is
positive. In fact I would argue that it is necessary. In which case I
would say that we certainly want to still allow developers to reopen
closed issues.