I've checked results and the updated test is passing on all dialects.
On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:25 PM, Gail Badner <gbadner(a)redhat.com> wrote:
HHH-11740 is a bug that shows up on DB2 because Hibernate is using
wrong DDL to create a global temporary table that can be shared by multiple
sessions; instead it is creating a temporary table that is visible only to
the connection that creates it.
On Friday I pushed a test case to master that was intended to check that
bulk operations can be executed using two different connections. My
intention was to expose any other dialects that had the same issue as DB.
Unfortunately, the test I pushed caused pessimistic lock exceptions on
multiple dialects. I see that Vlad corrected the test to deal with the
pessimistic lock exceptions. I see now that I should have sent email about
the possible failures and kept a lookout for the test results to avoid the
extra effort on Vlad's part.
I have since pushed an update to that test that avoids the pessimistic
lock failure, and should expose similar problems with other dialects. I'll
keep an eye on it and deal with any failures that show up.