I'm quite late in the game but I finally had a chance to look at your main paper
I quite like your approach for boolean composition. It is very elegant and can easily be
added in a non breaking way to Hibernate Validator and Bean Validation. You guys are
already prototyping it, so all good :)
For cross-property validation, Hardy has reflected my position already. That being said, I
wonder whether you can write your approach atop a generic class-level constraint
@CrossValidation that would look for the properties annotations and behave as expected.
That would be a nice way to offer both world to the users. You will need to
"group" cross field constraints though: as I see it on the paper, you can only
have one group of cross level constraint for a given constraint type per class.
PS: I am not necessarily convinced by the all-but-one property is null use case though. I
smells like a bad OO design in the first place that lead to such need. But I can be wrong
On 22 sept. 2010, at 09:08, Federico Mancini wrote:
Hi all,
I am new to the list and I am opening this thread on Emmanuel Bernard's
suggestion, in order to
discuss some possible extensions to the validator (jsr 303) I have been
working on with a couple of collegues.
Mainly it concerns the possibility to extend composition with boolean
operators (ex.: A field is either in the range 1-10 OR 20-30 AND
notNull) and allow validation of sets of interdependent properties
(ex.: EITHER the name field is notNull OR the surname field is notNull/
AT LEAST 1 field must be filled/etc....).
A description of the experimental framework we implemented can be found
http://www.ii.uib.no/publikasjoner/texrap/pdf/2009-389.pdf , and
some further discussion on the choices we made here
I hope this might be of some interest for the Hybernate Validator project,
but, even if not, it would be nice to get some feedback.
Federico Mancini
hibernate-dev mailing list