That's a bug. It should be a root. I'll fix that on Monday.
Mark Rotteveel <mark(a)> schrieb am Sa., 6. März 2021, 11:01:
For an INSERT ... SELECT, Hibernate (in wip/6.0) will generate a SQL
statement with parentheses around the select statement.
This happens in AbstractSqlAstTranslator.visitQuerySpec(QuerySpec
querySpec) because the querySpec is not a root. Firebird doesn't support
a parenthesized select in insert (yet).
What would be the best way to address this in the AstTranslator or
elsewhere? Overriding the entire visitQuerySpec(QuerySpec querySpec)
method could be brittle as significant changes would need to be
replicated to the Firebird-specific translator, and this only really
applies when processing a select in an insert statement (I think; there
are some other places where Firebird doesn't support parenthesized
selects where the standard does).
Mark Rotteveel
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