Nexus: staging repositories still open
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
there are several staging repositories on Nexus which haven't been dropped.
There are 3 unclosed repos for Hibernate ORM, from around January 19th.
There is one close but unreleased/undropped repository for Hibernate
Validator, from January the 14th.
They all seem to contain releases (tagged versions)?
Please check & cleanup as needed..
7 years, 11 months
JDK 9 EA Build 151 is available on
by Rory O'Donnell
Hi Sanne,
Best wishes for the New Year.
Dalibor and I will be at FOSDEM '17, Brussels 4 & 5 February. Let us
know if you will be there, hopefully we can meet up !
*JDK 9 Early Access* b151 <> is
available on
There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source
projects since the last availability email :
* JDK-8171377 : Add sun.misc.Unsafe::invokeCleaner
* JDK-8075793 : Source incompatibility for inference using -source 7
* JDK-8087303 : LSSerializer pretty print does not work anymore
* JDK-8167143 :CLDR timezone parsing does not work for all locales
Other changes that maybe of interest:
* JDK-8066474 : Remove the lib/$ARCH directory from Linux and Solaris
* JDK-8170428 : Move to JDK/lib/
*JEPs intergrated:*
* JEP 295 <>: Ahead-of-Time
Compilation has been integrated in b150.
*Schedule - Milestones since last availability email *
* *Feature Extension Complete 22nd of December 2016*
* *Rampdown Started 5th of January 2017
o Phases in which increasing levels of scrutiny are applied to
incoming changes.
o In phase 1, only P1-P3 bugs can be fixed. In phase 2 only
showstopper bugs can be fixed.
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland
7 years, 12 months
[Hibernate ORM] Javadoc missing in Maven repositories
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
I noticed some people [1] asking why we don't deploy the javadoc
jarfile in Maven repositories.
That's very helpful for IDE integrations; I never noticed - nor am I
sure how to verify - as my IDE falls back to using the sources.
Knowing how reliable Maven Central's directory listing are, I'm not
even sure how to double check if this is true or at which level things
might have gone wrong :)
So I didn't open a JIRA yet. Someone more familiar with the ORM build
could double check and take ownership of this please?
1 -
8 years