No Similarity is not being read from configuration files, just the annotations.
Current behaviour already throws an exception if two/more entities
from the same class hierarchy define a different Similarity, but in
this case it's considered acceptable to define it once for all
involved types;
actually this is inconsistent too, as I could define a different type
in a subclass and we're actually using it for the whole hierarchy -
not only the subclass as I could expect.
Shall I open an issue to be able to define Similarity in configuration
files for 3.3 ?
2009/10/23 Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)>:
Warnings are useless IMO, I would raise an exception if you find
Doesn't a similarity configuration exist at the index (property) level
already? If not, I agree, this would make more sense to me.
On 23 oct. 09, at 19:52, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> I'm looking into this as it's blocking way too much other stuff,
> it's not hard to implement but is having me puzzled about usability.
> Basically I'm planning to throw an exception when different entities
> are defining a different Similarity while sharing the same index.
> This case is obvious:
> @Entity @Similarity(ImplA.class) @Indexed(name="oneindex")
> A
> @Entity @Similarity(ImplB.class) @Indexed(name="oneindex")
> B
> so I'll throw an exception.
> What about this case:
> @Entity @Similarity(ImplA.class) @Indexed(name="oneindex")
> A
> @Entity @Indexed(name="oneindex")
> B
> ?
> This would be fine for me, and I would use ImplA Similarity for index
> "oneindex" (being applied to both entities A and B), but it's looking
> bad to not warn about the inconsistency.
> I think some confusion can arise, imagine the situation in which I'm
> adding the similarity definition to entity A, I wouldn't expect it to
> make effect also on entity B.
> The confusion arises IMHO from the fact being in Hibernate Search
> there's a notion of "index configuration", so there's an index
> "entity" (as a concept) to speak about,
> while the definition of the properties of this "index" is scattered
> about the @Indexed@Entity(es) and the configuration properties.
> Like when configuring sharding and IndexWriter configuration settings,
> they are only exposed in the configuration file.
> The similarity is actually a property of one index, so the annotation
> shouldn't exist and it should be configured like other index settings,
> still I agree it feels natural to declare it on an entity so I'm not
> proposing to remove it.
> I'm afraid there's a bit of inconsistency, but I've no clear idea
> about how to solve it: I'm just pointing out what is IMHO a weakness
> we should think about.
> What should I do in the above mentioned case? Log a warning? just let
> them do? throw an exception, demanding to have all entities annotated
> the same way?
> Regards,
> Sanne
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