No that is currently broken. See
This won't be fixed in 5.x as fixing it required significant changes to the
caching SPIs to resolve.
On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 8:10 PM Gail Badner <gbadner(a)> wrote:
Is it OK if an entity and collection region have the same name, they will
use the same AdvancedCache? I realize that the key will be different (as
long as hibernate.cache.keys_factory != simple).
I'm assuming they use the same access strategies, etc. I know there would
be problems if they didn't (HHH-10707/HHH-11356).
I've been looking at how things are implemented in 5.2 to avoid the
ClassCacheException when an entity region and collection region has the
same name.
I see that org.hibernate.internal.CacheImpl has a separate map for each
type of cache (i.e., entity, collection, natural-id). [1]
I also see that org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.InfinispanRegionFactory#
buildEntityRegion and #buildCollectionRegion both call #getCache. [2]
#getCache checks to see if there is already a cache with the specified
regionName, but does not take the type (i.e., entity, collection,
natural-id) into account. If there is already a cache with that region
name, it will be used.
In other words, it seems that if an entity and collection region have the
same name, they will use the same AdvancedCache.
I just want to confirm that this is intended and there is no problem with
having different types of data in the same AdvancedCache.