Hi, everyone.
I'm trying to get a JSON value from Postgres DB, but I'm receiving this
DefaultLoadEventListener:160 - Error performing load command
org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: could not set a field value by
reflection setter of DTO.Processo._tramites
I saw that Hipernate don’t have a JSON Type yet, so I build a type for this.
I did a “My UserType” (StringJsonUserType implements UserType) and
JsonPostgreSQLDialect (extends PostgresPlusDialect). I insert data , but
when I try to get some value, i got this error return.
I using Hibernat version 3.5.6.final and postgresql-9.3-1102-jdbc.
Anybody have some idea about whats happen and can I workaround this problem?
Best regards.
Adriano Araújo Santos
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