One hack I have found is to add, inside the subprojects block of
the build.gradle file, the following task
task copyResourcesToIntelliJOutFolder(type: Copy) {
from "$subProject.buildDir/resources/test"
into 'out/test/resources'
Then in the IntelliJ gradle tool window locate the task
copyResourceToIntelliJOutFolder (it should be under hibernate-orm > Tasks
-> other), right click on it and select the "Execute After build" option.
On 12 October 2017 at 14:22, Vlad Mihalcea <mihalcea.vlad(a)> wrote:
Looks like IDEA rebuilds the project and generates the @db.dialect@ issue.
I tackled it with the following Bash script:
@echo off
> set db=%1
> set module="hibernate-core"
> if not "%2"=="" SET module="hibernate-%2"
> if "%2"=="doc" SET module="documentation"
> set target="d:\Vlad\Work\GitHub\hibernate-orm\%module%\target\"
> IF EXIST %target%\resources\test (
> del %target%\resources\test\
> )
> pushd %target%
> cd ..
> gradlew pTR -Pdb=%db%
> popd
It's Windows, but it can be easily translated to Linux bash.
I call it as follows:
> ptr h2
This one prepared hibernate-core for H2
> ptr mysql
This one prepared hibernate-core for MySQL
> ptr h2 envers
This one prepared hibernate-envers for H2
I usually run it from Idea Terminal.
On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 3:22 PM, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>
> I just upgraded to IntelliJ 2017.3 EAP and am back to this frustrating
> "Dialect class not found: @db.dialect@" problem. I run the
> `processTestResources` (or `compile`, does not matter) and then when I
> to run a test in the IDE I get this error.
> What is the magic incantation I am missing?
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