Sounds like a good idea. We can have a value of 'none' which can be used to
easily make the switch from an external property during build. for instance.
On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne(a)>
Hello all,
I've often used, and see others use, the value "none" for the property
In recent versions of Hibernate ORM I now get the following warning:
[WARN] SessionFactoryBuilderImpl: Unrecognized hbm2ddl_auto value :
none. Supported values include create, create-drop, update, and
validate. Ignoring
To my surprise, the warning is not a bug as there's not such thing as
"none" in the source code, nor could I find mention of it in older
versions of the documentation... so I'm not sure were I learned about
it but I've always found it to be quite handy as in many scripts using
properties, it's easy to give a value to a placeholder but it's not as
easy to not define a property at all.
My guess is that "none" simply worked fine in practice on older
versions as it's not matching any of the actionable values, but now we
get this WARN which sounds concerning.
Could we add "none" as an officially valid value for this property?
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