Hi JAXB expert
I'm trying to do the merge master onto metamodel again, but run into some JAXB
problems and I'd like to ask for suggestions.
as you know, we compile the orm.xsd to jaxb generated class, and there is a
package-info.java generated for schema validation, this class looks like
@javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace =
"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm", elementFormDefault =
package org.hibernate.jaxb.spi.orm;
but due to the namespace of orm.xsd changed since JPA 2.1 ( from
"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm" to
"http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence/orm", btw, any idea why? )
for now, I created a org.hibernate.jaxb.internal.LegacyJPAEventReader, which will modify
the legacy namespace to the new one ( also changing the version to 2.1 )
but with this applied, the jaxb schema validation is always fail no matter which schema is
so, I came up with another idea, if the original orm.xml is 2.1 then go ahead with jaxb
validation, or, we disable jaxb schema validation and apply stax schema validation before
org.hibernate.jaxb.internal.LegacyJPAEventReader came into play
( see org.hibernate.jaxb.internal.JaxbMappingProcessor#unmarshal ) sadly, it doesn't
work :( validation still fail, can be reproduced by
so, any suggestions?
Best Regards,
Strong Liu <stliu at hibernate.org>