On Mon 2013-12-23 11:37, Gunnar Morling wrote:
Am 23.12.2013 10:55 schrieb "Emmanuel Bernard"
> Sanne, I wonder if that could be used as a way to get rid of the weak
> identity hash map we have in Hibernate Search. (I think we got rid of
> all ThreadLocal already).
> Steve, do you think I could (ab)use these as Session level cache? I
> think OGM could benefit from such feature in a couple of situations.
> That would require that from an eventsource, I could reach the list of
> listeners to access the state I suppose.
In the OGM case, could such caching facility not be implemented within
OgmSession? This seems a bit less abusive.
Unfortunately no. There is no link from Hibernate ORM's engine back to
the wrapper.